West's Exton Headquarters Lights the Night
The 2016 West without Borders campaign for Exton benefitted the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS)–the world’s largest voluntary health agency dedicated to finding a cure for blood cancers and providing essential support services for those affected by this disease.
West was a Presenting Sponsor for Eastern Pennsylvania’s October Light the Night Walks, which are an important part of LLS’s total fundraising efforts for research to find blood cancer cures. These inspirational and memorable walks bring together friends, family and community members to form fundraising walk teams. While walking, teams carry illuminated lanterns that represent their steps to end cancer. These lanterns honor cancer survivors and current patients, remember those we have lost, and emphasize the power of research towards finding a cure.

A total of 415 Exton employees, along with their families and friends, attended one of two Light the Night Walks in Chester County and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. West’s total giving through our Presenting Sponsor investment, West without Borders Employee Giving Program, and individual fundraising through the LLS site was more than $336,000. West was the number one fundraising team at both the Chester County and Philadelphia walks!
West provided gifts for participants at the walks, including light-up shoelaces for children and glow-in-the-dark backpacks for all. The Exton team also created an activity center where children could write down their ‘secret’ wish and seal it in a West vial.
Thanks to all West employees and their guests for the generosity and enthusiasm shown at this year’s LLS Light the Night Walks.

West without Borders is not affiliated with Doctors Without Borders®, which is a registered service mark of Bureau International de Medecins San Frontieres.