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Every pharmaceutical company wants to maximize speed to market for a new drug product. One way to enable this is with a platform approach for the package and delivery systems – in other words, to use the same vial containment system and/or syringe system for multiple drug products. To use this approach effectively, component and system performance data is needed. West, through the Integrated Solutions platform, is ideally positioned to provide this data.
Our Integrated Solutions program brings together West’s primary packaging, device, analytical, regulatory and contract manufacturing expertise in a single-source solution. West can help you Simplify the Journey™ at any stage of drug development. Learn more by visiting our Integrated Solutions Program page or contact a technical representative today for additional support and guidance.
A consequence of the sustained shift of treatment from hospital to home is the evolution of on-body delivery systems (OBDS). OBDS platforms can deliver high volumes of medicines subcutaneously which traditionally would have been administered intravenously via an infusion at a clinic under the supervision of a healthcare professional (HCP).
Synthetic rubber has replaced natural rubber in many fields over the past decades. Very notable are the synthetic halobutyl rubbers used as a base for pharmaceutical elastomer components. They are an excellent choice due to their attributes of low permeability to air and moisture, excellent aging resistance, and low level of extractables. Halobutyl rubbers are available in two types, chlorobutyl and bromobutyl; both can be manufactured by co-polymerization with halogenated monomer.
As part of the annual West without Borders fundraising campaign, West’s Puerto Rico employees chose to support Centro Margarita, Inc., a 33-year-old center that specializes in rehabilitating children with special needs and/or developmental disabilities.
With the advancement of high-value biologic,<span> gene, and cell therapy drugs, there is a growing interest in assessment of container closure systems (CCS) at the low temperatures experienced during processing, storage, and shipment. A vial-based CCS is usually capped at room temperature, but thereafter it may be exposed to low temperature conditions (0<sup>o</sup>C to -180<sup>o</sup>C), depending on both the drug characteristics and the expected duration of storage. </span>
Qingyu Zeng Ph.D.
Fellow Scientist and Technical Director, Scientific Insights Lab