COVID-19 Vaccines – Delivery Challenges
Development of vaccines for COVID-19 and its variants continues to present challenges such as accelerated timelines. Since there is not the usual time available for selection, evaluation, and qualification of the package and delivery systems, risks must be mitigated at every phase. For vaccines packaged in prefilled syringes, use of an elastomer plunger laminated with FluroTec® film can help.

FluroTec film, based upon poly(ethylene tetrafluoroethylene), has properties that both reduce migration of leachables into the vaccine and reduce interaction with the vaccine. Moreover, plungers with FluroTec film enable consistent delivery volume and break-loose and glide-force performance over a range of viscosities. These features are discussed in a new report by West scientists: Elastomer Plungers with FluroTec® Film: The Right Choice for COVID-19 Vaccines.
Leading vaccine manufacturers already have chosen FluroTec films for their elastomer stoppers. Offered exclusively by West and Daikyo Seiko, Ltd., components with FluroTec films are globally available and have a decades-long record of use with a variety of molecule types (over 130 approved by FDA/EMA). Plungers with FluroTec film are offered in 1 mL and 1-3 mL formats. They are clearly the lowest risk choice among West and Daikyo plungers and can help mitigate development and compatibility risks in bringing a COVID-19 vaccine to market.
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FluroTec is a registered trademark of West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc, in the United States and other jurisdictions.
FluroTec technology is licensed from Daikyo Seiko, Ltd.