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In the first of three installments of our video tour of our Scottsdale, AZ, plant, Jeff Kyle, Sr. Director Operations and Supply Chain, speaks to what gets him excited about working at West: The knowledge that they are helping to improve the lives of patients by creating innovative drug packaging and delivery systems.
While compliance and standards are a very important part of the Scottsdale manufacturing philosophy, Jason Choi, Project Engineer, says—above all else—West employees keep in mind the patients who will eventually use the components and systems they’re making.
Creating a positive environment of like-minded employees starts with hiring the right people. At Scottsdale, employees dedicate themselves to serving the customer – and the patients impacted by their pharmaceutical products – to ensure products get out the door in time and are safely and effectively delivered to the patients.
Another aspect of that work culture, Kyle says, is the supportive environment in which employees work together, from top management to the technicians. It starts with mutual respect for everyone’s ideas in meetings – fostering a climate in which everyone feels, “we’re in it together” and a sense of ownership of the products they’re making as a team.
“Retro.” “Vintage.” “Nostalgic.” These can be great terms to describe that classic car you have your eye on, but they are not great when describing your primary drug product packaging. Many of today’s drug products are still packaged with elastomer formulations and designs that were first developed over 50 years ago.<span> </span>Generic companies that simply replicate the innovator packaging could be affecting their operation negatively for many more years to come.<span></span><p> </p>
Fluoropolymer-laminated elastomer stoppers and plungers provide enhanced performance for container and delivery systems for parenteral drug products – especially sensitive biologic drug products. Among the many fluoropolymers available, West uses ETFE [poly(ethylenetetrafluoroethylene)] for its FluroTec<sup>®</sup>–laminated products. Selection of ETFE was based upon ease of moldability and the following factors.
The idea of establishing a rubber manufacturing company was born during a visit by the purchasing manager of the penicillin factory, Chemie Grunenthal in Stolberg. He asked whether I could produce rubber stoppers for penicillin bottles. I did some research and realized rubber stoppers were needed for lots of different types of medicine and there wasn’t currently a company specializing in this field.
The Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT) Week took place in New York City the week of March 16, and again proved that this gathering is a terrific networking event for the pharmaceutical industry and its partners. Celebrating its 125<sup>th</sup> Anniversary, the association demonstrated its continued relevance and leadership in our business sector. DCAT Week always provides a unique opportunity for companies like West to engage in high-level, strategic meetings with our key customers and other business partners.
Competition is increasing in the biopharmaceutical pipeline due to a growing number of new entrants, more players are bringing their drug all the way to market and many companies are utilizing accelerated development pathways, making it an even faster race to market. If you are like many other newly formed biotech companies, you’re doing your best to manage many activities critical to your success with limited resources, all while trying to accelerate your path to market.