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Previous Blogs

By Your Side for Innovation

By Mike Schaefers

二月 06, 2020

Our team will share their expertise and introduce several new and innovative pharmaceutical containment and closure offerings during the Paris Pharmapack trade show.

West Flip-Off® Seals

By Jia Min Boo

四月 25, 2018

Customers  frequently ask: Do we need to wash secondary closures, such as West Flip-Off® seals? Like so many questions, the answer is “it depends”. But in general, the answer is “no”.


By Simon Meurer

十二月 11, 2017

Uninterrupted production on a high-speed filling line is a challenge. To help make this easier, West has developed Flip-Off® seals. Flip-Off seals are produced with the highest quality aluminum and plastic materials, and the TruEdge® manufacturing process.

By JiaMin Boo

八月 03, 2017

The right seal is essential for proper drug product vial closure. West offers a wide range of Flip-Off® seal (FOS) products to meet customers’ varying requirements. Three grades are available for crimping needs in varying environments:

  1. Standard Flip-Off® seals: for consistent, reliable crimping outside controlled environments
  2. Flip-Off® Plus seals: for clean crimping under grade A air supply
  3. Flip-Off® Clean, Certified, Sterilized (CCS) seals: for aseptic crimping inside grade A environments.